Dr. Roberto Turrini graduated in Dentistry at the University of Florence in 2004. Since 2005 he has been working as a collaborator in Dr. Mauro Fradeani’s office in Pesaro, Italy.
He has attended several courses in Italy and abroad on prosthodontics, implantology and esthetic dentistry and he has followed Dr. Fradeani’s annual program on fixed prosthodontics.
Author of several scientific articles published in Italian and international magazines, he is co-author of a text about dental bleaching, published by Quintessence International in 2011 (“Dental bleaching: methods for success”), translated in German and Spanish.
In 2023 he published with Dr. Federico Emiliani his new book “Black&White: clinical multidisciplinary protocols of cariology, dental bleaching and treatment of dental discolorations”, published by Edra and presently in translation into other languages.
He lectures nationally and internationally on topics related prosthodontics and esthetic dentistry. His professional activity is based in Pesaro, Florence and Terni, focused on restorative and prosthodontics with particular interest in esthetic dentistry.
He is Visiting Professor at the University of Genoa, Italy, Department of Prosthodontics and active member of IAED (Italian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry) and SIDOC (Italian Society of Conservative Dentistry).
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