Stefano Gori

Dr. Stefano Gori graduated in Medicine and Surgery with full marks and honours from the University of Florence.

He trained and perfected himself as a dentist by attending a long series of courses held by qualified teachers in Italy and abroad.

Speaker, in the field of implant dentistry, in national and international courses and conferences and lecturer in the context of 2nd-level Master's organized by the University of Padua, the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome and the Unicamillus University of Rome.

On behalf of the prestigious European Association of Osseointegration (EAO), he held, together with Dr Fradeani, a Master Clinician Course entitled "Aesthetic challenges in implant dentistry. Surgical and prosthetic approach in the anterior area ".

He participated in the drafting and revision of both volumes of Dr Mauro Fradeani's book "Aesthetic rehabilitation in fixed prostheses" (published in 12 languages).

He deals exclusively with oral surgery and implantology.

He carries out his professional activity in his studio in Florence and Pesaro at the clinic of Dr Fradeani, with whom he has been collaborating for over 20 years.

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